Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A second tooth for Christmas!

This Christmas was full of firsts. First Santa visit, first Christmas with a baby, first everything! Although, amongst the firsts was a pivotal second.

This Christmas Day Monster popped his second tooth! It definitely wasn't as fun or as easy as the first one. This Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day Monster spent the majority of the day with a low grade fever. Accompanying this low grade fever was some whining and grumping.

Murphy's law states that your Monster won't be feeling well on his/her first Christmas.

However it wasn't all bad. We made plenty of "firsts" memories and have tons of solemn-faced Monster photos. It wasn't until part way through the day that I realized Monster has a bump with a slight slit on his gums right next to his first tooth. The thought of it just makes the song "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth" pop into my head.

Monster got spoiled this Christmas by his grandparents, aunts, uncles, parents and... Well, his own body!

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Monday, December 20, 2010

First Words?

I think we might have reached our next infant milestone! I know what you're thinking, "How can you "think" you met the next infant milestone? You either did or didn't?"...

Well, when it comes to recognizing an infants first words sometimes it's ridiculously hard! As a parent sometimes you have to really watch and listen for the signs. When I hear "mom mom mom" or "da-da-daddee" I have no doubt that Monster knows what he's saying and why. As for these new words, I'll break it down for you, and let you decide for yourself.

This morning Monster and I were playing on the floor after breakfast and Lola (my puggins) ran up to us and started sniffing around. Monster looked right at her and said "Dowt!", in shock I turned to him and said "Right! DOG!". Monster smirked his sly smirk and whispered "dowt" a couple more times towards Lola. I couldn't contain my glee! I can't be sure if that was his third real word or not but it still shows that he's developing more syllables and speech skills.

This fourth word I'm not sure if it's me being delusional because of my excitement over "dowt" or if I'm just hearing Monster now for the first time. We were walking around the house (I was holding his hands walking with him) and I was talking to him about walking when I heard him say "wawt". Are G and K sounds harder for infants to say when they're just learning?

I think it's time for this Mommy to get some reading material on infant and child speech development. Either way, words or baby jabbering I know it's something to look forward to in the very near future!

Updated on December 21st to add:
Ok, he definitely knows that "Dowt" means! He was saying it again this morning! I am SURE that he's saying Dog! :)

Mommy in Denial!

This mommy has been in denial for about a month now. It's been a month since I returned to work and Hubbs took over my job as "Primary Daytime Care Giver" for our Monster.

My Monster has gone from a very near perfect little sleeper to a terrible sleeper in the blink of an eye. I don't know how it happened but I do have my suspicions. We went from an 8 month old who could put himself to sleep, and self soothe in the night to a 9 month old who has to be rocked to sleep and wakes up during the night. Ugh! I'm freaking out! I'm thinking it was caused by a desperate Hubbs trying to find his own daytime routine with Monster, or the fact that Monster wants to spend as much time with me while I'm home that he can.

Since Hubbs and I are both working full time and are full time parents when were off work we don't have the energy to fight with Monster and his terrible new sleep habits. I've resorted to bringing Monster to bed with me when he wakes in the night rather then interrupting my sleep completely why rocking him back to sleep. I will pause for the shocked cringing! I need sleep! I've started a new job, and need a well rested brain in order to learn my new routines and study for my licensing exam on January 5th.

I don't want to be a co-sleeping parent and I don't want my marital bed to become a family bed. That is why I'm dedicating my Christmas holidays to sleep training. I have 5 days off starting December 24th and I plan on righting this wrong before I create a total bedtime Toddler-Monster!

Now, I'll have to find the right technic for our family quick! Any suggestions for this naive mommy are more then welcomed!

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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Learning to Stand, The Unconventional Way

At nine months old parents can generally expect their little boys and girls to start attempting means of transportion other then crawling.

At this time you might help your 9 month old walk by holding onto his or her hands. You may also stand them up in front of furniture so they can develop leg muscles and the balance and coordination walking and standing requires. All of which Hubbs and I are practicing with our Monster on a regular basis.

However at this point I'm not at all sure Monster even wants our help. His crawling has evolved into a knee-hop if you will. Don't get me wrong, he can still crawl and TURBO crawl perfectly fine but it's almost as if he's trying to get up and run. Monsters new favorite thing is to get up on his knees or one knee, one foot and then to jump. He jumps and tries to get to his feet.

Of course it probably would be much easier for him to get to his feet if he were in front of a piece of furniture and pulling himself up with his hands as well. But who wants to do things the easier way when you can be an hopping individual like my Monster.

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The Official Santa Photos - Photo Blog!

Earlier I posted a blog about the adventures in Monster's first meeting with Santa Claus. We didn't get the huge Monster smiles we normally get when the camera comes out... But we didn't have tears either. We tried twice, and these are the photos we got out of the whole process.

I myself prefer the second one because of the Santa and his beard. It's all real! His red suit isn't quite as flashy though.

Santa and his very real beard! What was even weirder was seeing him out of costume at a local restaurant last night enjoying some pasta.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Santa Photo -- Photo Blog

Part of the fun of Christmas time with children is going to a local mall or department store to have them sit on Santa's knee and tell him just what they're wishing for.

This being Monster's first Christmas, visiting Santa was crucial. Not so much for the candy cane or for Monster to whisper his wish list in Mr. Claus' ear but for the amazing photo op. I didn't go all out and dress Monster in his finest clothes because in all honesty, I prefer his normal clothes. I mean, I am the one who picked most of them.

Our first meeting with Santa was last Friday. We plunked Monster down on his knee and backed away so the photographer had enough room to shoot the photos. We were kind of expecting a HUGE Monster-like smile, but we were also prepared for tears at the same time. No offense Santa but to an unsuspecting infant you're a creepy guy in a bright red suit.

Much to our surprise we got neither reaction. Even after we served up our best comedy acts! Monster sat on Santa's knee staring at him with cautious wonder. No smiles. No tears. We weren't disappointed with the photo but we decided to try again.

4 days later we went to our 2nd Santa at the other mall for another try. Exact same reaction; no smile, no tears. Well, can't say we didn't try! This isn't the official photo, just one I quickly snapped with my phone, but you get the gist. ;)

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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Family Traditions - The Christmas Tree 2010 - With Photos

Setting up the Christmas Tree each year is a family affair.

Everyone piles into the truck and drives down to pick out the best tree. Up until this year, by everyone I mean "Hubbs and I". The most important factor when picking out at family Christmas Tree, is that it is REAL. The tree has to be tall enough to be able to touch the ceiling once the star is on top, and has to be full, glorious, but spacey enough to display each ornament in a perfect green hole.

There is never a theme when it comes to colors and ornaments. Actually, the theme is "Christmas Past" as every year we proudly display ornaments as old or older then we are. Plus some we've collected each Christmas since we've been together. Each different, crazy ornament has it's own story and it's own special place with us at Christmas.

This year is Monster's first Christmas so a new ornament was most definitely in order. A babies first Christmas ornament that I will keep safe and cherish until he is grown and has his own Christmas tree. This ornament was picked out by his grandma (my mom) and is a baby boy teddy bear on a carousel horse.

I presume my mother will pick up with the Christmas tradition my grandmother started with her grandchildren. Each year she purchased a new Christmas Tree ornament until we (her grandchildren) were 16, at which time she got us all tree toppers. The idea was so that we when were grown and moved out of the house we'd have something to work with on our very first Christmas alone. I still have almost every single ornament on my tree even after all these years.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Baby Mohawk! - Photo Blog

I am super lucky! I don't have to wait for people to gush over how freakin' adorable my Monster is... I just know it to be a genuine fact. I also know that no one will really judge me for saying something like that because they're all saying it about their own children!

Monster knows how cute and hilarious he is... Which can be trouble in the future. For now, it's just hilarious to watch him ham it up with girls.. Especially pretty waitresses like tonight. Yesterday morning I decided to spike Monster's hair because we'd planned to take him to meet Santa for the first time. A meeting with Santa meant a photo op! Unfortunately, when I finally get the Santa photo scanned and posted you'll see that the mohawk fell and looked more like bed head. 

Here are some photos of the hawk first thing and my little boy model posing just perfect for the camera!   

Lookin' just like his daddy! :)

Just when I thought I knew all about teething...

Once upon a time I blogged about teething... And then again about a teething MONSTER who ate my happy little boy...

And then a few more times after that. I was so sure I knew exactly what teething was, and how terrible it was. Then Monster got a tooth and had absolutely no typical teething signs for the days up until the sucker popped out! I did not have a crying, whiny, chewing, drooling, feverish boy on my hands.

The only thing out of the norm was a couple nights of restless sleeps. I had originally chalked that up to the fact that he'd spent last Saturday at Grandma's house, and then last Sunday with me at his Baba's house. All that time away from his crib threw him off kilter? Nope, must have just been a tooth trying to pop out!

Yesterday morning before I went to work Monster and I completed our morning routine. I get up, get ready from head to toe and then he wakes up for the day. I got him changed, dressed and then took him to the bathroom to brush his "teeth" and spike his hair. I brushed his gums and felt nothing. We had breakfast, still nothing in his mouth hitting the spoon. No tooth to be found!

By the time I got home from work and fed Monster dinner it was time for his evening bath. I plunked him in and he pulled my arm over for a "kiss", really.. it's a "nom-nom-nom-ATTACK". That's when I felt it! My Monster popped his first tooth!! It's just broken the gum line, but it's safe to say that Monster got his first tooth when he was 9 months, 4 days old!

It just goes to show that when it comes to parenting, no body ever really knows everything! Hahaha. I am beaming! :)

Monday, December 6, 2010

The 9th Month Milestones

Well everyone, it's that time again! Time to wish my Monster another "Happy Month-iversary"! In celebration of Monster being on the outside as long as he was on the inside, we're going to go over his 9 month milestone checklist from What to Expect in the First Year.

Like previous months each thing is found in a section as follows:

By the end of this month your baby...
...should be able to:

  • Work to get a toy out of reach - Check. Nothing is ever out of his reach unless it's on our dining room table or kitchen counter.
  • Look for a dropped object - Check. Monster doesn't just drop his toys, he throws them.
...will probably be able to:
  • Pull up to a standing position from sitting - No, for the last month he's been pulling himself up to one knee, and one foot. Just when I think he's about to fully stand, he flops onto his bum. 
  • Get into a sitting position from stomach - Check! For a month now (basically since he started crawling) he's been able to get from his back to a sitting position. He rolls onto his stomach, and then sits up from the crawl position. 
  • Object if you try to take a toy away - Check. We've moved on from here to "Tantrum if he realizes we've blocked off something he's not supposed to have".
  • Stand holding on to someone or something - Check.
  • Pick up a tiny object with any part of his thumb and finger - Check! Pincer grasp was mastered months ago when Cheerios were introduced into Monster's diet.
  • Say "Mama" or "Dada" indiscriminately - CHECK!!! FINALLY! Monster started saying "Dada" three weeks ago when I returned to work, and now also says "Mama" and "Baba".
  • Play peekaboo - Check! It's just not his favorite thing.
...may possibly be able to:
  • Play patty-cake or wave bye-bye - Check! Monster has been waving for a few months now, but just started clapping about 2 weeks ago! I love clapping.
  • Walk holding on to furniture - No, he can only walk while holding on to someones hands
  • Understand the work "No" but not always obey it - I think so. He definitely doesn't obey it all the time.
...may even be able to:
  • "Play Ball" (Roll back and forth to you) - We've never tried, I will certainly get back to you on that one.
  • Drink from a cup independently - He can use a sippy cup independently and he can drink from a regular cup, but I've never leave him a lone with a cup with no lid. That is just a mess waiting to happen.
  • Stand alone momentarily - No, most certainly not.
  • Stand alone well - No, most certainly not!
  • Say "Dada" and "Mama"  - I would like to think he knows who he's talking to or about... But I can't be sure.
  • Say one word other then Mama or Dada - He says "Hi", "Hey", and "Baba"... But I honestly don't think he knows what he's saying.
  • Responds to one-step commands with gestures - Check. Monster definitely knows what "Let go" and "Come here" means.
Here you have it! I am confident that Monster will reach and surpass all his goals by the end of this month considering he can do a lot on the list as it stands!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Who doesn't love a good bath? -- Photo Blog

Who doesn't love a good bath?

Monster lookin' like his daddy!


"Awww!! Mommm!"

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Rad Baby Shoes!

I'm not huge on baby shoes. They are usually ridiculously hard to get on, and even then they don't stay on for long.

Whenever I complain about baby shoes to other moms they something like "Oh, I just put them on to keep his/her socks on", well... I've never had an issue with socks. I've only purchased Monster one pair of shoes, all his other pairs are hand me downs or gifts. However, when we were in Spencer's I could NOT pass up these adorable infant shoes!

I originally bought them as a Christmas gift but of course, Monster was about to grow out of them a month before he was even supposed to have them. Even though they are clearly the coolest infant shoes ever, I've still only made an effort to put them on him twice.

Shoes are obviously not this mommies main concern.

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Working? Student? Mom?

Not only have I returned to work to become a working mother, but I've also become a working, student mother.

What possessed me to take on so much? My desire to change professions. I was just hired at a local insurance agency and in order to sell insurance you must be licensed. I am definitely not complaining, the fact that the company was willing to hire me in an entry level, pay for my education, pay me to obtain my license and pay for my licensing, of course I'm going to work my butt off!

As a new mom, just returning to work it feels like a lot. Not only am I now away from my baby 5 out of 7 days a week for the majority of the day, but I'm studying after Monster is a sleep in order to obtain my license.

Just when I thought my life would settle down and be quiet until after Christmas, I am handed an opportunity I just could not pass up. How have you dealt with returning to work with a baby at home, and when did you find time for your husband?!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

"Ya give me fev-ah"

Baby fever. It's an absolutely serious condition that strikes mostly women.

Although it is more common once you reach your 30's it can be just has serious in the younger age groups. It's almost as if now that I've been pregnant and had my baby I have a mommy radar. No question about it, I will notice a cute baby or baby bump over a hot guy any day.

The condition is heightened if the women in question is around or holding an infant. Its almost like her uterus starts magnetically screaming "Get in HERE!". Does this condition ever fade or go away completely? I can not be sure.

All I know is that I will continue to push down my yearning for another life growing within in me and dutifully take my birth control until the fever has me so close to death I have no other choice but to listen to my body... And become a mother once more.

My heart hurts waiting for that day when I know it's time.

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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thank you John Tesh!

Just a couple of days ago I blogged about my mommy guilt and returning to work. Luckily I've just had a (very minimal) bit of relief given to me by a faceless man.

Thank you, John Tesh. For those of you who have no idea who I'm talking about, John Tesh is a radio show host. His show airs nightly over our local station and is pretty interesting. He offers  us facts to live by in the way of : "Intelligence for Life", about almost anything.

A couple days ago when I was putting Monster to bed I was listening to a couple minutes of his show (Monster has a radio quietly going in his room 24/7). John Tesh was talking about Mommy Guilt! Ahh! You think I'm kidding right? Nope!

He provided statistics from studies (he usually states where and when the studies were done too) about children who have stay at home moms, and children who have working parents. Between the ages of 1 and 2, babies with working parents actually had a higher IQ. Not to worry stay at home moms, the study also showed that the babies all "leveled out" by the age of 3.

Another study he talked about followed 100(?) children from 8 months to 18 years that found it didn't matter if they had a stay at home mom or a working mom the children with more affectionate parents faired better in life. Children that experienced more affection from their parents handled stressful situations better, and were least likely to become depressed among a list of other things.

Of course I'm not going to base my whole views and opinions on one study, I would love to be a stay at home mom! But it definitely helps relieve a tiny bit of the guilt knowing those tid bits of information.

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Sunday, November 21, 2010

More B. Toys for Christmas!

B Toys are toys that frequent my blog because of my sheer adoration for them. I first came across the Time Square toy in Costco this summer and have not looked back since! I love absolutely everything about them; the way they incorporate learning, fun, music, animals, alphabet, etc.

So far Monster has the Times Square toy, and the Parum Pum Pum Drum toy. For Christmas, I've added to his B. Toys collection and may add more still. Every time I'm in the learning toy section at our local big box store I stop and oogle at the toys that are just out of Monster's age range a little too far for me to justify buying more for Christmas.

Anyways, I can't review them because, well I haven't opened them or had Monster play with them yet. I'm tempted, but they are Christmas gifts! The first one I purchased was one I've been looking at since I found B. Toys. It's the H2-Whoa! Toy. Essentially it's a "draw with water" toy! The board comes with four "pens" that you fill with water, and then draw on the board with. As the water dries the picture disappears (so if you want to keep your child's art work I suggest having a camera around when the toy is out).

Main attraction to this particular toy? I want to provide Monster with the opportunities to develop a love for many different medias including art like drawing/coloring/painting. However, most things aren't eatable and unfortunately Monster is still putting absolutely everything in his mouth. Also, pens and paints are messy on your walls, floors, fabrics and everything besides paper that babies/toddlers might decide to draw on. This toys only ingredient is WATER.

The second B.Toy we purchased for Christmas was the Holiday Wheeee-ls! The picture shows it as two separate packages with two cars each, but ours came with all four cars. The cars are a semi-soft plastic (perfect for teething babies) and they are the kind that when you drag backwards and let go, zoom off on their own ("pull-back-and-release")! Plus each car makes a different noise (ring, chime, rattle or squeak).

Stay tuned after Christmas for a Mommy Toy Review!
My Mommy Review of : Parum Pum Pum Drum

It'll be a Toy (Story) Filled Christmas!

One evening a few weeks ago our dear friends Mr.&Mrs. LAM invited us over for dinner. It was a fanatic time, full of hamburgers, hockey and laughs!

They (at the time) had two little boys (if you fast forward to now, they have three!) so of course it wasn't one of those situations where you feel uncomfortable bringing your baby over. The whole family welcomed Monster with open arms, of course that was because he wasn't crawling and getting into absolutely everything like he is now. Haha. ;)

Their boys are throughly obsessed with the Toy Story movies and toys. They had a Buzz Lightyear doll and right away Monster was drawn to it! He is a huge hard plastic doll, so he's not easy to break, plus he has cool buttons that make him talk when you press them. This year for Christmas we've already purchased Monster the Woody doll, and one of his grandma's are planning on getting him the Buzz doll he liked so much.

We've also purchased the toy chest set of 3 blu-ray versions of the movies. Of course, it's not really something Monster should be watching right now, but we have an extensive movie collection and had planned on adding them to our Classic Disney section anyways. I'm probably more excited about Monster unwrapping that gift Christmas morning then he will be, because I want to watch them noooowwww!!

Mommy Guilt and Returning to Work

I've known for a long time that I didn't want to return to my Care Aid job after my maternity leave. I think I made that decision before I even took my maternity leave. That's a whole different blog.

I know just how crappy this economy is for finding work, so I knew that if I didn't want to go back to my old job I'd have to start looking well in advance. I've been applying at different places that sound good since August. Long story short, I just got hired on with an insurance company on Monday. The whole process was very short. I dropped my resume off  Monday (the 8th), had two interviews by Tuesday and was hired the following Monday.

Ideally I'd never have to return to work, and could just sit at home with my baby all day. Unfortunately it's not financially possible for us, our lifestyle and this day in age. I've been trying to wrap my head around going back to work and what it will mean for my baby and I. I've cried every single day this week. Thankfully I've been far too busy at work to think about missing Monster, it's when I get home and see his adorable face that I just want to sit on the floor, holding him, crying. I don't. Ok, I did once. The other time I held it in until I was giving him his good night hugs before bed.

It's not like it's someone else, some stranger raising my baby. Hubbs works graveyard so that he can be home during the day with Monster, which is really the only way I could come to terms with returning to work anyways. What makes it worse though, is that this last week Monster has hit new infant milestones, and I haven't been the first one to see any of them first. It's an adjustment period for everyone involved, but so far Monster seems to be handling it the best out of us all.

Christmas Traditions

I have decided to start calling myself a 'Christmas Enthusiast'... I'm pretty enthusiastic about a lot of things, but this year I am over-the-moon for Christmas! How could I not be? I have a son to share it with!

I've been thinking about different Christmas traditions I had growing up, Hubbs had growing up and the ones we've made typical since becoming a couple. I'd like to have a few new develop this year in our little 3 person family because of our new addition. When I was little I remember always asking to open "..just ONE present?" on Christmas Eve, and always being denied. I get it. Christmas is on Christmas... But I'd like to start a tradition with my little family that we all get to open one gift on Christmas Eve. And it will always be Pajamas. I'm sure that a lot of families do this so it's not really a new idea, but it's new and exciting to me!

I was also reading a blog (I think?) recently that described the families stocking tradition. I've always had stockings, and they've always been filled with little treats and small things like lip gloss, or batteries (if I got a toy that year that required them) and that was great! I love when Santa brings me a stocking even now! This blogger's tradition however was slightly different. She filled her stockings with small treat-like things that the kids could eat for breakfast. In my mind I'm picturing individually wrapped muffins or cinnamon buns with fruit, nuts, a juice to drink and maybe a small chocolate treat.

I think that idea is just FANTASTIC! A breakfast stocking! It would be such a challenge to come up with new things every year... Obviously this year it would be the most realistic. Anything "treat" like, I wouldn't let Monster eat at this age, and any toys that are small enough to fit in the stocking probably aren't age appropriate.

Stay tuned for Christmas Traditions - Part Two

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Welcome to the World Little Man!

Dear Uncle Matty and Auntie Manda,

Thank you for making me a best friend. A friend close enough in age that we can go to school together, and play hockey together. I've been waiting and waiting for a boy to come along, and you made it happen (although, I wouldn't have complained had you made me another girlfriend). It will be a little while before I can play with him, but I CAN'T WAIT!


Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful little son!

Cooper Tremayne
November 17th
6lbs 12oz

Now comes time for me to brain storm a blog nickname for him, I'm open to suggestions! I can't wait to meet him, hug him, and love him like my own!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Baby Talk! It's for real!

Ok, so maybe its not for real but it is exciting!

The eighth month so far has been the most exciting! It wasn't long after I posted Monster's What to Expect 8th month milestone list that he started crawling full force and getting into absolutely everything. Now he's practicing pulling himself up on furniture. He's able to get up on one knee and one foot. Basically, one step away from a full stand! I've never really been concerned about Monster's physical development. He's usually faster, or right on time with those milestones.

However when "Saying Mama or Dada indiscriminately" came up on the last two months milestone lists and Monster hadn't started yet, I will admit I did worry a tiny bit. He has been saying "Hi" and "Hey" for a long time, but never the typical first words.

Tonight he did it. He's been saying "Da Da" loud and proud! Crawling around, repeating it in high or low voices and practicing saying it as an explanation or a question form. Almost as if he was rubbing it in a little.

I'm just far too proud to be jealous.

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Utterly Disgusted.

Hubbs and I have a mutual agreement. Safety coming first when it comes to Monster.

It seems like common sense when you have a little life in your hands. That's why I am in utter shock when I see blatant irresponsibility on a parents part. A few days ago we were shopping at our local mall... of course right? Tis the season! As we were leaving the store and walking towards our truck Hubbs pointed out a van to my right. It was parking, and he said he'd just watched it pull in to the parking lot.

I looked over to see a baby no more then a month old sitting in the front seat. No infant carrier. No car seat. No seatbelt. Just a mother holding her infant in the front passenger seat of her van. I stared for a minute before I felt Hubbs pull me forward by the hand.

I instantly felt like I needed to vomit. Every single terrible worst case scenario entered my mind with vivid images. Once I climbed into our truck I wanted to scream! I wanted to go back and tell that mother she should be ashamed of herself, and ask her what she could possibly be thinking!?

Then we drove away. Tell me, why is there not an IQ test to bring a child into this world? How could a mother justify that action? I am disgusted.

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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Christmas Shopping - Part One: Scout!

It's absolutely no secret that I am ecstatic about Christmas. I am all but peeing my pants in anticipation for Monsters first Christmas!

We started our Christmas shopping about a month ago but yesterday and the day before we bought a few more gifts for Monster that I want to talk about.

One of my favorite March Moms is a fantastic mother and blogger (Click here for her facebook fanpage). She also knows what she is talking about when she speaks because she is well researched. For awhile now she's been talking about Scout (from Leap Frog) and how that was one of the first gift she bought her Norton.

I will admit, at first I had never seen one or even heard of it. Friday while shopping at our local big box store I found Scout and immediately fell in love him! Scout is a Leap Frog learning toy that can be programmed and updated with your home computer. Not only that but he can "learn" your childs name to make it a much more personal stuffed toy. Scout is plush and cuddly, perfect for infant hugs!

Now I just have to try and hold out until Christmas to give it to my Monster! More Christmas blogs to come folks!

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Thursday, November 11, 2010

More Tub Toys!

It's hard to find cool tub toys for Monster's age group. Plain and simple.

I really really enjoy the fun the Munchkin Squirters has brought to our half an hour a day ritual in the tub. Monster knows that it's almost bed time, so he really enjoys his splash time in the tub. And I love squirting water at Monster with the cute little squishy animals.

Alas, seeing the same old toys everyday gets tiresome, so when I was Christmas "window shopping" in our local big box store's baby aisle I came across a simple little toy (toys, rather). A bag full of foam letters and numbers! The packaging suggests 3+, and anyone who knows why I'm welcome to hear the reasoning! The foam is relatively hard, making it difficult for a baby to chew a piece off and choke. Maybe it's just the fact that it's unrealistic to expect your 8 month old to know how to count to 10 and say the alphabet?

Anyways, I bought the big bag of letters and numbers that day and brought them home. They are awesome! Just for the shear fact that when they're wet they stick to the sides of the tub and shower! Monster wont sit still in the bath, and part of the reason could be the colorful letters and numbers plastered all around him in his bath? I like them, because if he's reaching for the letters that means he is not reaching for the bath tub plug!

Not only are the cool right now, but they are a toy that can grow with Monster. As he started speaking more and more, we can teach letters, numbers and colors in the tub. As for right now, I do all the talking and he does all the chewing.

Here's Monster showing me his name.

Cute baby face in the tub!

Chewing on the blue number one!

Adventures in Healthy Eating - Part two!

I'm hard pressed to find a way to cook my veggies that Hubbs will actually enjoy eating them.

Don't get me wrong, he eats his veggies, he just does not like eating them as much as say... Steak! It's my quest in this life to make healthy eating as enjoyable as I can for us and our growing family. It's important to me to instill those choices in my children so they live a long and healthy life!

A couple days ago I decided to make a "stir fry" with some left over veggies in my fridge to go with our no so healthy roast beef. I tossed broccoli, cauliflower and corn into a pan (with just enough oil in the bottom to cover the pan... Approximately a teaspoon) along with 3 chopped up garlic cloves!

Obviously if you don't like garlic, you're not going to like this idea but it's perfect for us because Hubbs and I are slightly obsessive when it comes to garlic. Stir up the veggies every few minutes until they're soft. If you find they're cooking too fast on the outside, just pour some water in the pan (half a cup) and let it help steam them a bit.

I added salt and pepper to taste and voilà! A super enjoyable side dish! I welcome you to try it, and explore your spice rack while doing so!

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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Badge of Honor

Right the very minute my Grandpa - one of the most important men in my life - is undergoing testing to see if he is a candidate for surgery.

I'm not going to go into too much details because this blog is not for pity but for support! On Sunday I was visiting my mom, and she gave me a few old tee shirts asking if Hubbs wanted them. They are vintage style baseball tees right from my Grandpa's closet! I took them for myself!

I've worn one every day this week as a badge of honor. Showing how lucky I am to have my Grandpa in my life and to support him on his journey! The tees are older then I am but are in "like-new" condition because they were likely in the deep dark depths of his closet for 20-plus years.

Today's tee is almost 30 years old, and says something like "I survived the P.B.D Fishing Derby" and has a couple silly cartoon guys on it, fishing off their boat.

But when I look at it in the mirror all I see is "I love you Grandpa!"

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Crawling Maniac!

So, it's official! I have a crawling maniac on my hands!

It was a little over a month ago I posted photos of Monster on all fours in the crawling position. I had heard from a couple other moms that once the baby gets the balance down pat you can expect your little one to be crawling within two weeks.

Well, two weeks came and went and Monster was not crawling. We kept practicing but ultimately I wasn't overly anxious to have a baby "running" around and getting into everything. The issue stemmed from our laminate flooring. A baby trying to crawl + Pant-covered-knees slipping around on a laminate floor = One frustrated baby.

Sunday evening I decided to remove Monsters pants and see what happened. After a couple sold tries he was finally off and crawling! The best inspiration? The dog food in the dog food dishes!

He's not quite as fast with his pants on, but he's mastered crawling fully clothed too! It's been eventful around here to say the least, but so far I always know where Monster is because he laughs the whole time he's crawling as if to say "Just call me the KING!"

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Sunday, November 7, 2010

Adventures in Eating Well - Part One

Because of my gallbladder issues, my weight issues and the health risks that go hand in hand with being over weight I am constantly on the look out for better eating options.

Today I am making good ol' fashioned spaghetti sauce and pasta. My favorite thing about spaghetti sauce is that it is essentially a veggie dumping ground. I can add almost any vegetable into the sauce and it makes little difference to the taste. Perfect for hiding extras!

Tonights sauce has chopped spinach, grated cauliflower and celery as it's extras. That is over and above the regulars like tomato, onion, green pepper and mushrooms. Whole wheat pasta smothered in said sauce.... MmmMmm, is it just me or did it just get hungrier in here?

Dishes like this, chilli, homemade soups and stews are perfect for picky eaters and toddlers. As long as you cut everything small enough and don't let it slip about what's really in there. ;)

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Nap time! (Photo Blog)

Ahhhh... Sweet, sweet relaxation!

(PS: Thanks for the awesome swing/rocker Auntie and Uncle GM! Still works like a charm at putting Monster to sleep for a nap!)

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Early Christmas Preparation

Hubbs and I have a huge family, and a lot of people to shop for at Christmas time. Therefor Christmas preparation usually starts in October for us.

By this time last year we already had half of our shopping done. This year, not so much. This year is the most important Christmas of my life so far, and that's saying a lot considering I got engaged three Christmases ago. This Christmas is Monster's first Christmas, and first Christmas as a parent.

Is it difficult to see why I am heart-racing-at-the-thought-of-Christmas excited? I didn't think so. I've already walked around the Christmas aisles of our local big box store a few times, dreaming about decorating.

Now, I'm not insane, I have not actually started to decorate... Unless you count the Christmas Countdown App on my phone, or the Countdown Chalkboard hanging on my front door? We're merely in the shopping and planning stage.

I apologize in advance for the many Christmas related blogs to come! :)

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Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Great Pickle Debate (Photo Blog)

To like them or not, for that is the question!

Hmmm, and what might you be?

Uuhh, Mom? What IS this?

... Ok pickle, your alright.

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Day Light Savings

I don't normally panic when it comes to Day Light Savings, but I am now a mother of an eight month old.

I did absolutely no preparation for this night! I've been browsing some websites and each of then suggest slowly keeping your infant up later by making their bedtime 15 minutes later each day. Sounds completely logical, so why didn't I think of preparation sooner?

The last two nights at our house have been pretty hairy anyways! Right now I'm chalking it up to a calorie-catch-up wake up call. Lately Monster has been less and less interested with his bottles and more interested in eating solids.

Ultimately I am OK with a slow self weening process, however I am not OK with a midnight bottle wake up call. I give virtual high fives to each and every mother who has to deal with this on a regular basis, and yes I realize how terribly spoiled I sound by even complaining about it! I'm sorry!

After the last two nights why not add on another couple of days of strange sleep patterns on top?

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Eighth Month Check List

A few months ago I was inspired by one of my mommy friends Enyo (please click here for her Facebook Blog Fan Page and become a FAN) to post a checklist of how Monster is measuring up against other babies his age.

I've been using the checklist from my What To Expect in the First Year book. In the book they section the month off into categories, here they are!

By the end of this month, your baby...
...should be able to:

  • bear some weight on legs when held upright - Check, for a LONG time.
  • feed self a cracker - Check, again, for a long time.
  • pass a small object from one hand to the next - Check, long time!
  • rake a small object and pick it up into a fist - Check. I replaced the word raisin with small object because he eats puffs and cheerios, however I think raisins are a little far off of his feeding scale.
  • Turn in the direction of a voice - Check, for a long time!
  • Look for a dropped object - Check. Monster's favorite thing to do is feed our pug LOLA his Gerber Puffs. Lola doesn't mind one bit.
...will probably be able to:

  • stand holding onto someone or something - Check. We've been "walking" for a couple months now. 
  • object if you try to take a toy away - Check. This one is new from the last couple of weeks. He didn't mind before. That was until he started to grab at things he couldn't have like a PS3 controller...
  • work to get a toy out of reach - Check... Toy, dog food dish, microphone cord, curtains, etc.
  • play peekaboo - He does something that resembles peekaboo, but I've heard (Thanks Mama to Triple H) that I'll *know* when it's peekaboo. We just don't play it that much...
  • get into a sitting position from stomach - He has only done it once, so I'm chalking that up to fluke. He mostly "airplanes" until we pick him up.
...may possibly be able to:
  • pull up to a standing position from sitting - Not with everything, just our hands. So I don't feel right saying yes.
  • pick up a tiny object with any part of thumb and finger - Check! For about a week and a half! YAY!
  • say "mama" and "dada" indiscriminately - No. But he can say "Hi", "Hey", and something that sounds like "Cat" 
...may even be able to:
  • play patty cake or wave bye-bye - Check! We have had the waving thing down for almost a month, but the clapping thing just ends up being "Monster BANG" (both hands down).
  • walk holding onto furniture - We're starting. He shuffles in his playpen while standing.
  • stand alone momentarily - Definitely not.
  • understand the word "No", but not always obey it - No, I don't think so. 

Well, there you have it folks! That is a checklist this mama can be proud of!   

Dear Dog Food Companies...

Dear Dog Food Companies,

There seems to be an issue with your food. It is more appealing to my infant then it is my pug. However, my pug would like to request that you look into partnering up with Gerber Baby Food. She really enjoys the banana flavored Gerber Puffs for babies.


(Note: I do not encourage this as a tasty baby snack alternative. I'm just getting used to a scooting/semi-crawling Monster and had to take a picture of him with his paws in the "cookie" jar.)

Life in Crazy Town!

For the last month (wait, perhaps longer..) Hubbs has been on compressed shift at work. Essentially he's off Monday to Friday, but then works three 10.5 hour shifts over a 48 hour period.

Thankfully after four weeks on that god forsaken shift and two weeks holidays we're soon returning to our routine. Normally Hubbs works the graveyard shift, comes home, hangs out with the Monster and I until about 4 in the afternoon and then heads to bed for a sleep before his shift rolls around at 1am. We got on a fairly good routine, and I'd often get to skip out on making dinner because I could just head to my moms.

After the month we just had, with a sick and teething infant, plus Hubbs crazy work schedule I am SO looking forward to some normalcy. Just in time for Christmas preparation! I will have my normal evening-mommy-quiet time after Monster goes to bed, and before I go to bed to get things in order. I swear my house stays cleaner when I have alone time to do it the cleaning in!

Of course, this normalcy can only really last two and a half months longer because soon I'll be returning to work. Eek! That is a whole new ballgame, a whole new set of routines and I don't even want to think about that! Lets get Christmas over with first... ;)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Healthiest Babies Possible

On Tuesdays at our Family Resource Center there is a mommy group called 'Healthiest Babies Possible' which I try to attend as often as I can.

So far the draw has mostly been seeing Monster interact with other babies his age or a bit older. I love it! The first time I went he learned how to start scooting and moving (as apposed to just sitting in one spot) from the little ones he was playing with.

I actually know quite a few people in the area who had babies around the same time as me, but it's not always easy to find times that work good for both families to get together. This group is easy, is only two hours a week and is educational as well fun for the Monster.

This week was by far my favorite, even though I didn't get to see Monster interacting with other babes. We had a guided tour of Save-on Foods with a dietitian. That doesn't sound like a screaming good time to most, but it's something I'm interested in, therefore it was fun for me! Since I've had a history of battling my weight, and now issues with my gallbladder reading a nutrition guide is not a foreign concept to me like it is to a lot of people.

You know, those people who are blessed with a metabolism that allows them to eat anything and everything? It was interesting to hear her discuss the over-sugared breakfast cereals (and how many grams of sugar should be in a serving) as well as fiber in breads and other grains. Even though I'm aware of most things regarding what is good for you, and what isn't I did learn something today! Milk Fat. That is not a term I'd ever heard of! It came up when we were discussing cheese and yogurt.

I swear I could have picked her brain for an hour if we had the chance! In the end we got to take home a handy booklet that is just an amazing reference when it comes to knowing how much of everything we need, and don't need! Something that will be a useful tool as Monster gets older, and gains his own preferences towards foods. Please don't let him be a picky eater! :)

Anticipating the 8th Month!

I am by no means anxious for my Monster to grow up, because I know just from the last year that time flies turbo style once you're a grown up!

Having said that I am SO ready to welcome the 8th Month of Monster's life with open and happy arms! The 7th month has been trying and slightly frustrating with our first infant cold, terrible infant teething, sleep regression due to a sick infant, and our first infant ear infection! All that, plus stuff going on with people around us has made October/the 7th month leave a bad taste in my mouth.

I am not one for wallowing though, and I am optimistically looking forward to November (and then CHRISTMAS-MONTH! No, it doesn't even get it's officially name) and all the new infant milestones Monster will reach and surpass! Hopefully the last couple of days has been a preview of the month to come, Monster has spent the majority of his days laughing at everyone and everything. We walked around a couple show homes today, just the three of us, and he could not contain his gleeful giggles!

Not to mention, aside from Christmas preparation November is generally a more quiet month of the year for us anyways.

Cheers to a great tomorrow!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Photo Blog - Halloween Wrap Up

As promised here are some photos from our Halloween-Extravaganza-Weekend! 

Monster and I as Cruella De'Vil and a Dalmatian!

Acting like a Puppy... Minus the barking

Trying SO hard to crawl... But mostly "superman-ing".

At the mall ready to trick or treat!

Chillin' with his first piece of LOOT!

Daddy helping Monster get some candy! Yum!

Halloween Wrap Up

Well, there you have it. We've spent a month preparing for our favorite holiday... and it's officially over.

At the beginning of October I was so excited about my favorite holiday that I started shopping for some new decorations, and searching high and low for an infant dalmatian costume. Mid October we finally got all the decorations up inside the house, and outside on our porch and purchased the best pumpkins we could find from DeMille's Farm.

Once we found Monster's costume, and received the finishing touches of Hubbs Silent Bob costume in the mail, I couldn't help but be ecstatic thinking about Halloween! This year the usual one day event lasted all weekend. A weekend of Halloween BLISS! Friday we all dressed up and went trick-or-treating at one of our local malls, and the down town center. Monster spent much of the day chillin' in his stroller playing with a large bag of cotton candy he received from a local shop that makes it. We trick-or-treated with his cousins, a couple family friends and his little girlfriend Buneez (She was an adorable pumpkin). I chose not to wear a white fur coat for my Cruella DeVil costume because I knew realistically that I wouldn't wear it long indoors so I'm sad to report not many people know who I was!

Friday night was also the day of our families yearly Halloween Party. Many games, laughs and good times were had by all. Saturday night, the Halloween festivities were more for the adults. Monster spent the night with his grandma and grandpa while Hubbs and I celebrated at a couple local bars with our closest friends (and family). Jay (Uncle Slim) and Silent Bob (Hubbs) won best costume at both places!

Which brings us to today. We hadn't planned on doing any real trick or treating because, lets face it... Monster can't walk, can't talk, and most importantly can't EAT any of the candy. Honestly, I'd feel a little ridiculous going door to door with an almost 8 month old. We did, however, take him to his each of his grandparents houses, and a couple of his aunties houses to show off his adorable costume. He obviously didn't really know what was going on, but going through the motions was still a good time.

Photos coming soon!   

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Anticipating a Birth!

One of Hubbs very best friends Mr.Mr (if you knew his initials you'd see this isn't just a funny nickname) is not-so-patiently awaiting the arrival of his new son or daughter.

I'm waiting by the phone, and by facebook for updates on the situation at hand. It's quite serious and the hold up on the decision to deliver is what we're all waiting for. The Mama is epileptic and the baby is only 35 weeks gestation, she's been sent to a larger hospital and is waiting there for further decisions from the doctors.

After week 35 in gestation the bun considered almost read, essentially it's just working on weight gain for the rest of the time it's in the oven. Obviously those last 2-5+ weeks are important for the fetal growth and development or else a pregnancy would only last 35 weeks.

As serious as it is, I can't help but be ELATED! My close close friends are soon going to have their bundle of joy! Mr.Mr is going to have his very first blood son or daughter! A new life is about to enter this world into a very large, loving and supportive family! How could I not look at this situation through rose colored glasses? Good luck to all who are involved! Auntie can't wait to meet you little one! :)

Monday, October 25, 2010

Hockey Love! Pictures!

Hubbs and I don't hide the fact that we're hockey enthusiasts and proud hockey-lovin'-Canadians.

There is no doubt in my mind that Monster will one day be too, if for no other reason then good ol' family time and traditions. Monsters love of hockey has been established early by gifts from loved ones too. At my baby shower I received a goalie net and two sticks from Monsters Baba and G. Hubbs is patiently waiting for the time when Monster is big enough to crack open the box it came in!

We also can't help by encourage friendships, like this one with Sidney Crosby!

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Sunday, October 24, 2010

A Possible Homeopathic Solution - The Gallbladder

I can always count on my beautiful, very "green" sister-in-law to show my another alternative to any health situation.

She might as well be a naturopath, because she is as insightful as one. She often refers to her "naturopathic bible" The Prescription for Nutritional Healing. Once she heard that I was having issues with my Gallbladder, being the amazing sister-in-law that she is, ran to her "bible" and immediately sought out nutritional solutions for my issues. Here is what she found:

If your gallbladder is inflamed it suggests avoiding solid foods for a few days. It says to consume only distilled or spring water, pear juice, beet juice, and apple juice. My gallbladder pain might be bad, but I don't know if I can honestly live off of a sugary-liquid diet for at least three days. I think I will come back to this suggestion as a last resort.

The Prescription for Nutritional Healing also suggests that one who is prone to Gallbladder disorders maintain a healthy diet by:

-Eating a diet consisting of 75% raw foods
-Include applesauce, eggs, yogurt, cottage cheese, broiled fish, fresh apples and beets.
-To cleanse the system drink as much pure, unsweetened apple juice as possible for 5 days.
-Avoid sugar, animal fat and meat, fried foods, spicy foods, margarine, pop, coffee, chocolate and refined carbohydrates.

It sounds like a healthy diet, one that most people should follow anyways. I'm just not sure if I will be great at avoiding chicken, and steak. My health is a good enough reason to avoid fast food restaurants though!

Wish me well on this new road of my life! Cheers to a new me and body coming with this new lifestyle!


Attack of the Gallbladder

Back in March of 2009, just three months before I was due to be married I was working an evening shift at my job. I started experiencing a pain I had never felt before.

It started at five in the evening, and was a sharp pain just under my ribs on the right side of my body. Long story short I spend a few long hours in the hospital emergency room with my mother-in-law to find out I had just had my first gallbladder attack caused by passing a gallstone. Once the stone was passed the pain disappeared never to be heard from again...

Fast forward to approximately a month ago. I started having mild pain in the same area as before. I put off going to the doctor because the pain was mild and I knew what was causing it. I figured I would experience the pain until I passed a stone and then it would go away. No such luck. The pain persisted and I trucked off to my family doctor.

She is convinced that it is my gallbladder, and is sending me for a confirmation ultrasound. The result of the appointment was what I expected. I insisted on the opportunity to change my diet to see if that would improve the situation before jumping into the drastic alternative of surgery.She agreed but also let me know that an improvement in diet isn't always going to "cure" the problem and I may end up needing surgery anyways.

As for now I have decided to maintain a low fat diet, and ultimately, I should lose the weight that I need to if nothing else.


Seventh Month Review

Back when Monster was five months old I wrote a blog post regarding the fact that the 5th month of Monsters life so far had been my favorite.

Right now, I have decided that the 7th month has been the most trying. It really has nothing to do with Monster meeting and surpassing his infant milestones, or growing more and more into a little person but the fact that so far this month we've had a few interesting things to deal with.

Monsters first infant cold hit him early this month, and lasted for approximately a week. We spent that whole week with sleepless nights, sleepy days, and relieving his discomfort as best we could by saline rinses, steamy baths, and Vicks Vapo Rub.

Just when we began to get Monster back into his routine severe teething hit. Luckily teething comes and goes with him so he might have a bad couple of hours every few days. I can handle terrible infant teething because usually it just presses on my mommy patience during the day light hours. Like I said, teething is a Monster I can handle.... 

However an infant with an ear infection is a whole other ball game! Just when everything started to level out around here Monster was diagnosed with an infant ear infection and so far has been awake at least once every single night. It makes me really feel for the parents who have not had the opportunity to experience a full nights sleep since their infants were born. Monster started sleeping through the night by two months and never experienced the 4th month sleep regression. That means for the last 5ish months (at least) Hubbs and I have had any where from 6-12 hours per night of silence.

Oh how I wish for those days to return... Infant sleep training might be the next challenge on my plate, in order to get Monster back into his nighttime routine. 

The Infant Ear Infection

This is Monster 7th month of life, and we've already experienced our first infant cold and an increase in infant teething.

Just when I thought we'd get things back to normal the worst thing happened! Last Monday in the late afternoon Monster was more crabby then usual. He had increase drooling, was chewing and biting and had a low grade fever. I gave him some Hylands Teething Tablets and Hylands Teething Gel to help relieve his teething pain and Infant Tylenol to bring down his infant fever.

Over the course of a day and a half the low grade fever increased to fever and Monster began pulling his right ear. All the teething symptoms started to dissolve but  he was still visibly ill. Hubbs and I decided enough was enough and we took Monster in to the after hours walk-in clinic at our family doctors office. After describing Monster's symptoms, and assuring the doctor "Yes, he is *only* seven and a half month old..." he prescribed Monster his first ever antibiotic treatment.

Hubbs was automatically concerned because Monster was prescribed Amoxicillin which is a product of Penicillin. The issue being the fact that Hubbs, his father, and his uncle are all allergic to Penicillin. We both discussed things to watch for in great detail with the pharmacist on duty and were reassured that even people who once were allergic to Penicillin are no longer because the drug has evolved and been "cleaned up" so much in the last decade or so. 

Skip to now, four days after the initial diagnosis and prescription, almost all is back to normal. Now we have to work on the damage this month of Monster not feeling well has done to his sleep schedule.

Time for Grief

Before I became a mother, it was much easier to find time for myself to do... Pretty much anything. Including grieving.

A couple of weeks ago I lost someone I loved to cancer. Normally it's fairly easy for me to let my emotions out through anger and tears. Eventually pushing passed my emotions and remembering my lost loved ones, happily knowing they are better off. However, when you're responsible for an infant it doesn't leave you much time to cry and yell out your sorrow.

In the last couple of weeks I've learned to push passed my feelings, carry on my day and care for my son without letting my sadness and anger show. A skill that will only come in more and more handy as the years pass.

Now that I've been given the opportunity to lock myself up in my room, in the dark and let my feelings over come me I'm back in my happy place. How do you cope with not letting your emotions rule how you parent your children? How do you not let your sadness and anger make you less patient for crying infant?

Monday, October 18, 2010


I love, love, love Halloween! I am itching for Halloween weekend to come around already!

We are a Halloween crazed couple, who grew into a Halloween crazed family! I already talked about finding Monsters awesomely awesome dalmatian Halloween costume for a whopping $2, but finding an infant halloween costume is only one tiny step in the whole process!

About two weeks ago I started decorating the inside of our house with pumpkins, spider webs, spiders, skulls and other ghoulish creatures. Last week Hubbs and I purchased $30 worth of pumpkins to carve and line our outdoor walk way. We intend to carve them some time this week, and then I'll cook up the seeds for us to munch on too!

For the last three years it has been family tradition to have a Halloween party and this year is no exception. Thankfully this year Halloween falls on a Sunday making this typical one day holiday a whole weekend of fun!

Our small town does a "down town" trick or treat where kids 12 and under can trick or treat between 3-5 in the evening with their parents in the down town core. That will be the only trick or treating Monster participates in this year. This halloween event is taking place on Friday right before our family Halloween party.

All I have left on my Halloween preparation to-do list is candy shopping for my tick or treaters!

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Evolution of Baby Meal Time

Once upon a time I had a newborn, who enjoyed a strictly liquid diet... Oh how easy that time was!

Monster first tried rice cereal back when he was three and a half months old, and since then has gained quite the menu of foods he's successfully eaten without an allergic reaction. I've been a good mommy and recorded absolutely everything. Date, time, what food, and his reaction... That was up until about a couple weeks ago.

I'm still writing down the food that he's successfully tried, liked and didn't react from but I'm more "willy nilly" about the process. Monster is an old pro when it comes to eating, so he can chew and swallow without much worry on my part (Note: Having said that I'd like to make it clear that he is never left unattended with his food). I've become quite accustomed to serving him whatever we're eating at supper time, or "sharing" whatever is on my plate with him. Within reason of course, I'm not about to give him hunks of steak that he physically can not manage eating on his own or any "fake" foods I might be eating.

I've designed his infant meal time schedule in a way that will make for an easy transition when the time comes that he wont be eating bottles as a main source of nutrition.

7:30-8:30am - Breakfast #1 (Solids; cereal/yogurt/toast and fruit, sippy cup with 2oz formula)
10:30-11ish - Breakfast #2 (Bottle)
1pm - Lunch #1 (Solids, fruit/veggie/toast/finger foods, sippy cup with 2oz formula)
2:30-3pm - Lunch #2 (Bottle)
4:30-5pm - Supper #1 (Bottle)
6-6:30pm - Supper #2 (Solids, whatever we're eating or veggies, sippy cup with 2oz formula)
8pm - Bedtime Snack (Bottle)

Essentially the way I have it set up is that Monster eats solids at our meal times, ultimately (hopefully) making it easier to "ween" him when the time comes. Slowly changing his bottles at "snack times" into snacks and slowly increasing the amount of solids he consumes at meal times.

Anyone who has just gone through this process, I welcome tips! :)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Mommy Review - Parum Pum Pum Drum

Earlier I posted photos of Monster's first reaction to his awesome new toy the Parum Pum Pum Drum from B. toys this post is my mommy review!

The drum itself is hollow so you can pack all your instruments inside and has a strap, and handle for easy carrying for your baby/toddler. It's also y clean up and storage since the drum comes with 7 pieces. Once the lid is on the drum, you use the centipede drum sticks to parum pum pum on your drum.

The first piece is the Jingle Bell Ant. The ant is on top of a soft plastic A, perfect for teething pain relief. The jingle bells provoke feels of anxious excitement because they sound just like Christmas jingle bells! The toy itself is easy for Monster to hold and use.

The second piece is the Busy Bee Maraca and Clacker. This instrument actually makes three sounds! Shaking, "raining" and clacking all which are easy to do! The letter B is the wings, I think we have found a trend. The third piece is the Cute Caterpillar Tambourine! The cute caterpillar is in the shape of the letter C, the over all circular shape is perfect for the little hands expected to hold the instrument.

Finally last but not least are the two Shaka-Shaka Eggs! When Monster and I play these are my instruments of choice for two reasons. Reason One: I absolutely love the sound that comes out of this tiny, perfectly egg shaped, amazing instrument! Reason Two: The Parum Pum Pum Drum is recommended for 18 months - 3 years and I'm sure one of the reasons is the size of these eggs. They almost fit into Monsters mouth and since he still investigates by putting everything in his mouth, the eggs are Mommy's for the time being.

Overall family consensus: The toy is well worth it's reasonable cost because it's 5 instruments in 1, literally. It's also fun to play with for more then one person making it easy to have family play time with your baby/toddler. Go on, B. You! Start your own family band! ;)

Parum Pum Pum Drum! B. toys Photos!

Yesterday Monster received his gift from our lovely new friends over at B. toys! Here are some photos of Monster's first reactions to his Parum Pum Pum Drum!

Here is Hubbs helping Monster open up his Drum full of other instruments!

Checking out his Jingle Bell Ant and Cute Caterpillar Tambourine!

Now that all the toys are free from their packaging, Monster is reaching for one of his Shaka-Shaka Eggs!

Some of the toys standing proudly in their new home!

Typical or Genius?

I'm at a crossroads... Something happened yesterday and I'm not sure if it's evidence of a typical baby or a supremely genius baby?

Let me set up the situation. Hubbs and I are in the living room eating breakfast, Monster had already eaten his so he was playing on the floor next to me, and Lola (our pug kid) was begging for scraps as usual. I decided to toss a bite of toast for Lola and it landed in the center of the base of our exersaucer.

This presented a dilemma for Lola because the base isn't flat so that it can rock around while your baby is playing in it. Every time she put her paw on it, it rocked forward so got scared. After about 5 minutes of her surveying the situation and trying different angles she still hadn't been brave enough to get the toast.

Monster watched as Lola struggled and decided he could get the toast for her. He bum scooted closer and attempted the same feat fearlessly. His arm length was the only thing that kept him from achieving his goal.

I am surprised and amazed at the thought processes it must have taken in order to see Lola failing and decide that he would give it a shot. I'm not sure if this behavior is typical "I want what she wants!" or if it's genius baby problem solving?

I know Monsters behavior is evolving everyday but what is typical for a 7 month old in terms of problem solving?

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Sunday, October 10, 2010

What to Expect... In the 7th Month

Last month I decided to blog about Monster and how he's hitting hit monthly milestones according to the book What to Expect in the First Year. I'm a creature of habit, so here goes the 7 month milestone blog! It's just a few days late. Just a reminder that the milestones are separated into sections with different headings.

By the end of this month, your baby...
...should be able to:
  • Sit without support - Check! For over 2 months now!  
  •  Feed self a cracker - Check! Well, I've never tried a cracker but he really likes Mum Mums
  • Razz - Check! He stared around 5 months, but then stopped after he mastered the skills. Now he does it every so often... Usually when we're trying to feed him something.
...will probably be able to:
  • Bear some weight on legs when held upright - Check! His love for standing predates his love for sitting.
  • Object if you take a toy away - Meh.. I'm not sure if this milestone is accurate? What if you have a passive baby who doesn't really care? He fusses about it sometimes, but a lot of the time he doesn't mind.
  • Work to get a toy out of reach - Check! About a week ago the little Monster used a wooden spoon to reach for a toy I put a foot away from him. I was attempting to get him to crawl to get the toy.
  • Pass a cube or other object from one hand to the other - Check!
  • Look for a dropped object - Check! One day that whole exersaucer is going to topple over!
  • Rake a raisin and pick it up in fist - Check! Only sub Cheerios for raisins
  • Turn in the direction of a voice - Check! Wasn't this on the 4 months check list?
  • Babble combining vowels and consonants "ma-ma-ma", "da-da-da"- I'm sad to say no. He doesn't babble he shoots out combinations that sounds like he's trying to say words. We've heard "Hey", "Hi", "Yeah", "Dad", but the only babbling he does is "mmMmMmMmmmMmm" at meal times.
  • Play peekaboo - Check, kind of. If I put a receiving blanket on his head and ask "Where's Monster?" he will pull it off and that's when I say "Peekaboo!". Is that close enough?
...may possibly be able to:
  • Stand holding on to someone or something - Check! Once we master crawling we will start practicing cruising.
...may even be able to:
  • Pull up to a standing position from a sitting - Check, but only with mommies hands. He hasn't pulled up on anything else.
  • Get into a sitting position from stomach - He has only done this once, so I'm not going to count it.
  • Play patty-cake or wave Bye-Bye - Check, kind of. He's waved a handful of times without coaching. The rest of the time it's hit or miss. He might wave, he might play shy. No patty caking around here though.
  • Pick up a tiny object with any part of thumb and finger - No, Monster has not mastered the pincer grasp. He tries desperately, can make the motion but has not actually picked anything up.
  • Walk holding onto furniture - No. He walks while holding someones hands though.
  • Say mama or dada indiscriminately - No. Boo.

Giving Thanks

In the last year I've grown a healthy baby in uteri, birthed that healthy baby boy (unfortunately I'm not thankful for the c-section delivery but that's a whole other blog!), and kept that beautiful, healthy little boy just that, happy and healthy!

I am clearly so thankful for him! Thankful for Monster, and for Hubbs because he helped me create, grow, and love Monster!

I am thankful for my support system of family and friends near and far, and I am thankful for those of you who read this and support me with helpful comments!

Cheers to more happy and healthy years!

Remember to say "I love you" and "Thank you" when you feel it whether the time is right or not because we might not always have the opportunity to. :)

Thanksgiving Dinners!

Yesterday was the first of our two family Thanksgiving dinners. Unfortunately because of the compressed shift Hubbs is on, Monster and I ventured over to my parents alone.

My mom tries her hardest to work her holiday meals around every ones work schedules, but unfortunately it doesn't always work out. This year our dinner was my parents, grandparents, soon-to-be-brother-in-law, Monster and I. I am slightly heartbroken that Hubbs didn't get to witness the first time Monster tried turkey, stuffing and a bite of cranberries.

Ok, you can slap me on the wrist for not only allowing Monster to try ONE new food. I couldn't help myself! Reasoning: He's tried chicken without an allergic reaction, chicken vs. turkey? Same thing! The only part of the stuffing he tried was soft bread hunks. He's had toast, turkey flavored break hunks vs toast? Same thing! He did fantastically! He LOVED Thanksgiving food!

Side note for Canadian moms: Why is everyone so absolutely obsessed with smothering everything in gravy? When I tell people Monster hates potatoes, they suggest gravy. You know what? I don't think smothering a carb with animal fat and salt is the right way to get him to eat something he hates! Ew. Monster is HUGE for his age and has gotten that way just from infant formula, fruit, veggies, lean meats, and infant cereals. He does not need any help gaining weight, especially from a food that is purely animal fat!

Ok, I'm done ranting...

Tomorrow will be Thanksgiving dinner number two at my in laws house. Normally they're pretty set on having Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday but since this is Monsters first Thanksgiving and Hubbs would be missing it completely they changed it for us. We are incredibly grateful! Mostly because turkey is fantastic! It's really no wonder Monster liked it so much, I think he had it 8 times while still in uteri. MmMmM Turkey!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

First Spaghetti Night!

Last week when Monster and I were visiting my moms house for supper he had his first experience with spaghetti!

It was really just cut up spaghetti noodles with just enough sauce to taste on them. Italian food is my favorite so it's no surprised I'd be up for starting him young! ;)

Most of the spaghetti noodles ended up everywhere but his mouth.

Look at the mitts on that boy! ;)

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