Friday, July 23, 2010

Contemplating a 6 month old's diet: Bottle Vs. Solids

Since we've started Monster on solids, I've tried to develop mealtimes for him so that he learns a routine when it comes to eating. We feed him a fruit and cereal breakfast, then veggies for lunch and supper with all the appropriate bottles in between. He drinks approximately 40 ounces of infant formula a day, with said meals between.

Our current day looks something like this:
6-8am: Monster wakes up - 8 ounce bottle
9-10:30am: 2nd breakfast - Fruit and Rice Cereal
10-11:30am: 2nd breakfast continued - 5 ounce bottle
12:30-1pm: Lunch - Veggies
2-4pm: Afternoon pre-nap snack - 8 ounce bottle
5-6:30pm: Supper - 6-8 ounce bottle, and veggies
7:30-9pm: Bedtime Bottle - 8 ounces

Sometimes we end up skipping the veggies at lunch, and the ounces per bottle vary (give or take about two ounces) depending on his hunger that day, or his growth.

What I'm contemplating, is how much things are going to change once he reaches the six month age, and his food varieties grow immensely. When you start introducing foods and meal times it's supposed to begin replacing breast milk or infant formula (not completely) but at what time does the solids meal out rank the meal from the boob or bottle?

A Parent's Communicational Tool = Everything in Song!

The day I became a mom, my love of music, and passion for singing really came in handy.

There are very few songs I know word for word, without having the introductory instrumental played before hand to get me going. Aside from nursery rhymes and other children songs, of course. It must be from the hours we logged away playing Rock band or Singstar while Monster was still in utero, but he finds singing (mine in particular) quite comforting.

Score one: Singstar geek!

It's all well and good to sing to your baby to comfort them, but where is the line? How far, is too far? I often find myself making silly songs about everything and anything, just today I wrote a wee ditty about a poopy diaper. Then proceeded to repeat it, over and over again because the tune was stuck in my head.

At least it's something Hubbs and I have in common and enjoy doing together (I say romantically, as if it might be a hobby we both love). Whenever he has a song stuck in his head, he will sing about life to the tune of that song. Now that once annoying trait is fantastic since Monster was born to be entertained by his silly antics.

Score two: Annoying trait, becoming useful!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Healthy Eating is Learned - Part Two

When does being in the 97th percentile in both height and weight become a bad thing for a child?

Whenever I tell someone how well my Monster is maintaining his status of Monster-ism they always say something along the lines of "Oh, he's doing so well!" or "Wow, you must be doing something right!", but when does it become cause for concern?

One of my biggest fears is my Monster learning bad eating habits, or inheriting my love of all things sweet and becoming the "Fat kid" in class. When I was growing up my mom took me to a specialist to make sure nothing was wrong, because until I was about 13 I grew at a much faster rate then kids around me. I wasn't a round, Christmas bulb type child, but I was tall and sturdy. I reached my current height of 5'8" by the seventh grade. Just for a visual.

The specialist ran all the appropriate tests, and had no answers. I was a perfectly healthy and normal kid and the only suggestion he had for my concerned mother was to lay off the diary because of the hormones in our cows. Thankfully, like I said, I leveled out (I was a normal height and weight... The weight thing now, is my own damn fault *grumble*).

While cruising Dr.Google, I found that they don't start considering children's Body Mass Index until the age of two, at which time anything above the 95th percentile is considered obese. In the mean time, how does a mother know whether feeding her hungry child is healthy or a hindrance?

Please, do not be alarmed. I do not plan on putting my 4 month old infant on a diet, however, I do plan on looking into every resource available to determine how to avoid hearing those words "Ma'am, your child is obese". I know plain and simple, what goes in, must be burnt off (by the body in it's normal functions, and the general activities a child participates in) so starting early by teaching your child the right things to eat, and how to maintain an active lifestyle is key.

Now, how to teach him the importance of imagination and outside fun vs. the video games his daddy so dearly loves.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Evening Stroll

I have to admit, I absolutely love hanging out with other mommies, who don't mind talking about parenting, kids, and problems.

Parenting is the hardest, yet most rewarding job in the world. How else would we learn what's best for our families and our children then trial and error (our own, and hearing about our friends). Tonight I went for a walk with my very, very pregnant friend (lets call her Ms.L) who is also a mother of two toddler boys.

It's nice to see her interacting with her toddler, all the while, taking metal notes on some of her techniques in preparation for my own toddler Monster. Of course, everyone has their own parenting styles, but like I said, you live and learn and sometimes it's by watching others.

The best thing we discussed tonight was accepting other mothers (parents), and their own parenting styles, even if they're different from our own. As long as what they're doing is safe, and the best that they can do with what they have, who can ask for anything more of them? Ms. L isn't someone I often turn to for advice, because I'm reluctant to ask for advice from anyone, but just sharing her experiences with me is enough to make me appreciate her friendship even more.


Farting sounds coming from your mouth, while on the phone trying to have a discussion with your friend about the newest movie you joined your Hubbs in seeing the night before? Only OK if that friend is also the Auntie to the baby you're farting at.

Everyday is a challenge for parents in keeping your child happy and entertained. I'm lucky, because I have a fairly independent Monster, he can keep himself occupied in his exersaucer or with his toys for 15-20 minutes before I have to rescue him with my jester-antics. When I became a parent, I learned quickly to let go of my inhibitions and let my inner child take over again while conversing with Monster.

How could I not? He is, in fact, the cutest 4 month old in the universe and if farting noises, or
sticking out my tongue is the fastest, sure-fire way to see that gloriously large smile, how could I not?

The question is, how do you keep your maturity level once you become a mother (or a
parent), and keep yourself from making weird faces, or razzing noises for adults at a party? I can hear it now, "Wait, wait, wait!! I have the funniest thing to show you guys!"

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Healthy Eating is Learned

I would be lying (and not very well) if I tried to say I don't like sweets or fried food. Honestly, as I type Hubbs is popping a Delissio pizza in the oven for lunch. MmMm..

Part of the whole "new leaf" thing I talked about in my Commandments blog was inspired by my Monster. How can I possibly expect him to eat (more importantly, like to eat) fruits, veggies, whole grains, and lean meats if we don't lead by example and eat them too. For the most part, Hubbs and I make sure we have our daily requirements, but it's usually not without a fight from one or both of us.

I often hear the argument that it's much faster to pop a pizza in the oven, then it is to chop up some veggies for a salad. I have to disagree with those people, because I was once one of those people and I know the truth! To bake a Delissio Pizza you have to preheat the oven, lets be generous and say that only takes about 5 minutes, then you have to bake the pizza for at least 25 minutes before you can actually eat it. In the 30 minutes you wasted waiting to eat your frozen pizza you could have chopped up your veggies AND eaten your salad. Barring any disfigurements in your fingers or hands that make it difficult for you to hold and use a knife.

Laziness. Our society has become so obsessed with speed, and getting things done as quickly as humanly possible that they have convinced themselves, and made excuses for themselves that "fast food" is the only way you can survive. I use the term "fast food" loosely. I'm not only talking about a drive thru window, I'm also talking about anything pre-pakaged and full of preservatives.

That is the way of thinking I'm planning on trying to prevent in my Monster.

( be continued)

Monday, July 19, 2010

Attack of the Post-Baby Booty

I was recently on the 'March 2010 Babies' home board at and came across a thread regarding "after baby body".

One of my fellow March mommies referred to her newly spread hips, and cup-sized bigger boobs as a badge of honor for her bravery during pregnancy and delivery. I giggled to myself (Hubbs isn't home, and Monster is sleeping.. Oh, and LOLA doesn't judge) when I read it, because it's so true!

That badge of honor is just not something mothers often talk about to a newly pregnant woman! The scale might say that you've finally reached your pre-pregnancy weight, however your jeans still say "Heck no! We wont go.... up and higher!" There are a lot of things that happened to me during pregnancy that I wasn't really expecting or didn't notice the magnitude of change until I delivered.

Hair is another huge thing! Yes, I heard stories about fast growing, glorious hair once pregnancy hormones kicked in, and yes, that is something I enjoyed. However, something that was very unexpected to me was that my leg hairs grew at an alarmingly slower right whilst I was with child. Now, I feel like a she-man! I have furry legs every single day, even if I shaved the day before, and I'm loosing all the glorious strands from on top my head! These things are normal, but since they haven't been normal to me for over a year, the changes feel drastic! Everyday I'm in the shower, I fear I will leave it without any hair on my head!

At least these physical changes are changes I can get used to, even if it might take some time for adjustment.

Monster and his Daddy

I was finally able to get a couple shots of Monster with his Daddy the other night. It's hard to catch them both in a willing mood at the same time! I think it turned out adorably!

I love my boys! :)

The Teething Monster

When The Teething Monster Attacks... dun dun dun!

Since my Monster was about two months old I've been dealing with sopping wet onsies and tee-shirts, not to mention mine and the Hubbs clothing getting absolutely drenched while holding him. It wasn't until recently that the pain aspect of teething hit. What I dislike most about teething pain is that is usually comes on suddenly, without any warning!

For the last week or two Monster has been slightly bi-polar, laughing and happily chatting with me and his toys while mouthfuls of drool drips everywhere. Then, suddenly, like a light switch he is screaming and thrashing with uncontrollable teething pain. That sounds rather dramatic, perhaps it is, but when you have a normally contented sunshiny baby, the screaming/thrashing comes with a shocked and terrified mommy.

We've looked into various ways to help sooth Monsters gum pains: Teething toys to chew on, Hyland's Teething Tablets, Kolic Gripe Water, and Infant Tylenol but the most effective tool we've found has been a cold, damp face cloth or towel to chew on.

Seems so simple! We actually found this cheap, homemade remedy by accident. One afternoon Auntie Tg and I took Monster to the beach for a dip, and when we all got out she slung him over her shoulder where her towel was lying. He immediately started to gnaw on her shoulder, where the cold, wet towel was. It's common for him to chew and suck on the clothes over our shoulders when we hold him, but he was really going to town on this towel.

Since that day, when teething pain begins to set in, he give him a cool, damp towel to chew on before resorting to over the counter medicinal (or holistic) treatments. I'm sure this at home remedy won't last through our teething days, but for now, I'm in!

Contemplating Baby Care Guidelines

Part of being a parent is providing for your infant (or child) just what they need when they need it, whether they're able to tell you or not. I pride myself on my ability to read my child and to organize his day in such a way that he wont have to scream at the top of his lungs to tell me I'm a half an hour late in feeding him, or he's ready for his nap.

The real challenge comes in when you decide to give the responsibility of following the routine to another care giver. I'm contemplating a time in the near future when I will sadly have to return to work. Of course I plan on (unwillingly) going back to work, because we live in a two income society. I have people by the arm fulls willing to watch over my Monster for me, and are fighting tooth and nail with each other (and me) to do so.

Of course, ideally, I'd love to be able to afford only working Saturdays and Sundays so Monster's primary care givers will always be my Hubbs or I. That just doesn't seem like an achievable goal. Picking a secondary care giver, out of my armful of volunteers is my next mountain to climb.

The criteria of course would have to include someone who can follow a routine, and listen to instructions about sleep, and nutrition from my Hubbs or I. It will be hard enough dealing with the mommy guilt associated with returning to work, I would love to not need to worry about the care my Monster is receiving while I am away at work.


I decided, whilst looking in the mirror recently that I needed to turn over a new leaf. 4 months after delivering my Monster I've reached my pre-pregnancy weight, but have yet to continue onwards.

It was nice to have a reachable goal, and the extra calories burned during nursing to kick start the weight loss. Now that my life and body has begun leveling out, I need to reevaluate my exercise routine, and caloric intake to keep things rolling... Off.

One night I was inspired to write my own 'Weight loss/Control Commandments' to help myself keep on track.

1. Thou shall not deprive oneself of the things one loves
2.Thou shall drink ones weight in water
3. Thou shall not eat past 8pm
4. Thou shall not over indulge
5. Thou shall be physically active once a day
6. Thou shall make small, reachable goals for oneself and celebrate once achieved
7. Thou shall drink a large glass of water before eating if one feels hungry
8. Thou shall always eat breakfast
9. Thou shall always eat slowly and stop once one is comfortably full
10. Thou shall always love thy food, and think twice before taking a bite

(... to be continued)

Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Start of a Sturdy Monster

Monster practicing his next infant milestone. Sitting up on his own.

A Monster's Reaction to the Swimming Pool

On Thursday, desperate to find an activity to keep my Monster happily engaged we decided to test out the waters at our local swimming pool.

(I'm just getting back to blogging his reaction now, 4 days later. See previous post here).

HE LOVED IT! I knew he would, deep down, I had to have known he would. Every single evening, no matter how fussy he is, he calms down as soon as he hears the tub running. I can hardly keep him still long enough to get his clothes off. We place him in his bouncy chair on our bathroom counter to get his clothes off, all the while fighting the urge to play with this smiling, laughing baby who is kicking his legs, and stretched out arms.

We bath him in the big tub, using his mesh baby bath support thing because his infant tub was such a hassle, and so darn messy! Wow, I've really gotten off topic here, long story short, Monster kicks and splashes and has the most fun during his bath time. No toys, no friends, just Mommy (or daddy) and a little water!

Once we got to the recreation center, we stepped into the warm kiddie pool and sat down. Monster was the perfect height to stand, without being able to dip his head for a drink. He didn't spend much time kicking or splashing at the pool this trip, he was too busy marveling at everyone who was in this huge bath tub with him. We had invited his Uncle Slim, Auntie Tg, and our family friends The Taylors to enjoy this milestone with us.