Saturday, December 11, 2010

Just when I thought I knew all about teething...

Once upon a time I blogged about teething... And then again about a teething MONSTER who ate my happy little boy...

And then a few more times after that. I was so sure I knew exactly what teething was, and how terrible it was. Then Monster got a tooth and had absolutely no typical teething signs for the days up until the sucker popped out! I did not have a crying, whiny, chewing, drooling, feverish boy on my hands.

The only thing out of the norm was a couple nights of restless sleeps. I had originally chalked that up to the fact that he'd spent last Saturday at Grandma's house, and then last Sunday with me at his Baba's house. All that time away from his crib threw him off kilter? Nope, must have just been a tooth trying to pop out!

Yesterday morning before I went to work Monster and I completed our morning routine. I get up, get ready from head to toe and then he wakes up for the day. I got him changed, dressed and then took him to the bathroom to brush his "teeth" and spike his hair. I brushed his gums and felt nothing. We had breakfast, still nothing in his mouth hitting the spoon. No tooth to be found!

By the time I got home from work and fed Monster dinner it was time for his evening bath. I plunked him in and he pulled my arm over for a "kiss", really.. it's a "nom-nom-nom-ATTACK". That's when I felt it! My Monster popped his first tooth!! It's just broken the gum line, but it's safe to say that Monster got his first tooth when he was 9 months, 4 days old!

It just goes to show that when it comes to parenting, no body ever really knows everything! Hahaha. I am beaming! :)

1 comment:

  1. I was super stoked for Haven's first tooth too. Same thing for us too. She didn't have a tooth and then all of a sudden there it was. I have it dialed to almost the half an hour it happened (as I was the one at home with her). Little thing just popped right out in her mouth :)
