Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Genes (Looks Vs. Personality)

Every single day Monster changes. His looks, his personality, his size never stay the same for long.

It's really no surprise to me when someone says "Holy he looks just like his dad!" or "Wow, Darryl Mini-Me!" because trust me, I see it too. Those genes are just too strong to deny. Even so, anyone who knows me well can see that Monsters personality is very similar to mine.

Once a bedtime routine was firmly planted into his day, and into his mind it is something that needs to be followed. One can chalk that up to an infants need for structure, and not just a personality trait passed down for his mommy but there are other things to support my theory.

When I am frustrated and on the verge of a meltdown I need to be alone. I need to retreat to my bedroom for about 10 minutes to focus on what the hell is the matter with me before I say or do something I will regret. Monster is already showing signs of following my foot steps.

As soon as he gets frustrated for one reason or another, simply lying him in his crib with the mobile going will calm him almost instantly. Sure enough when we collect him 10 minutes later he is all smiles and belly laughs.

Things might not also be this way for him, but it is ok with me if he continues to look like his daddy; but act like his mommy... As long as he ends up with his daddy's amazing sense of humor.

When it comes to infant personality development, only time will tell!

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Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Beginning

I'm new to the whole blogging universe. My blogging career started over at whattoexpect.com when I first became a member back in September(?) 2009.

That blog was primarily about my joys during pregnancy, and I didn't write very often. When I discovered blogger.com I was overjoyed with the different templates and color options. Therefor my loyalties switched (just for blogging, I still love WTE with my whole heart!).

I've recently had a couple friends mention my blog to me, and had the great pleasure of hearing they enjoyed reading it. I will admit, I grin like a moron for 2 days after hearing that. I gush when I see I have a blog comment because it makes me feel like I'm doing this for more then myself.

I started the blog with two things in mind, 1. That I had a place to keep my thoughts and ideas about the only thing in this world I know more about then anyone else; my child(ren) and 2. That this would someday be printed and kept for my child(ren) to read if they were ever interested.

From day one I never knew what I "wanted to be when I grew up" but I always knew I would become a wife and mother. If those are the only titles I will ever formally hold, I will still have lead a fulfilling and happy life. Thank you to those of you who read about my war stories along the way! :)

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Friday Golf Adventure

My Hubbs recently added Golf to his ridiculously long list of hobbies. He got a set of clubs from Monster and I for Father's Day and hasn't looked back since.

On Friday Hubbs made plans with Uncle Slim, Chop Stewy, Monster and I to go to a local golf course for 9 holes. I'm not much of a golf enthusiast, and I don't see much hope in me becoming a decent golfer because of my massive boobs. Needless to stay, I pushed Monster in his stroller and score kept while the guys played.

We were at the course for about two hours and I am proud to say that Monster was a perfect angel! He spent most of his the smile and talking to his toys. We had a much deserved Cheerio snack break around the 7th hole.

The golf course is full of hills and steep climbs (most are) so I definitely got some good exercise pushing Monster around for 2 hours. (It made me feel less guilty for over indulging in Birthday cake later that evening..)

Uncle Slim even tried to teach him some proper club handling technics. If my son is anything like my Hubbs they will make my bankrupt with all their hobbies!

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