Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Sixth Month Pt. 2

Continued from The Sixth Month Pt.1

By the end of this month your baby...

...may possibly be able to:
Stand holding onto someone or something - Check, he's still wobbly when he's holding on to anything but our hands.

Feed self a cracker - Check, just substitute mum mum for cracker

Object if you take toy away - I'm not sure, he just finds something else to do if we take a toy away.

Work to get a toy our of reach - Check

Pass a cube or other object from one hand to another - Check

Look for a dropped object - Check, he throws everything off his exersaucer.

Rake a raisin and pick it up in fist - Check, except replace raisin with Cheerio

Turn in the direction of a voice - Check, for like a hundred years.

Babble, combining vowel consonant sounds - No, he prefers to screech and squeal.

...may even be able to
Pull up to standing position from sitting - Not without a bunch of help, he tries though.

Get into a sitting position from tummy - Nope

Pick up tiny object with any part of thumb and finger - Check, but not regularly

Say Mama or Dada indiscriminately - I've heard him say "mum", but unfortunately not yet!

So it looks like he's pretty on par, and we have many things to practice for the end of the month.

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The Sixth Month Pt. 1

One of my fellow whattoexpect.com mommies is an avid blogger, she so kindly Ok'd the thievery of this blog idea.

When I found out I was pregnant via pee stick the first thing I did even before making a doctors appointment or telling our families was drive down to my local book store and buy the book What To Expect When You're Expecting. The book stayed at my bedside and became my bible over the 9 months I was pregnant.

Of course once Monster was born I would I turn to the pages within What to Expect in the First Year as my reference and monthly checklist.

I've decided to post Monster's progress monthly. Each month is separated into categories as follows:
By the end of this month, your baby...

...Should be able to:
Keep head level with body when pulled to sitting - Check, he's been able to do this for (at least two) months.
Say ah-goo or other vowel-consonant combinations - Check, Monster talks 90% of the day.

...will probably be able to:
Bear some weight on legs when held up-right - Check, for at least two months now.
Sit without support - Check, for just over a month

To be continued...

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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Review: 5 Months

Monster is coming up on his 6 month-iversary and with that comes a whole new set of milestones and experiences.

Despite my excitement, I have to admit that so far the 5th month has been my favorite (if I had to pick one)!

Monster has changed so drastically since his birth, and since he is my first child every little change and milestone reached is a cause for celebration.

In the 5th month Monster has a wide variety of foods he enjoys (moan worthy enjoyment) eating. Mostly fruits and veggies, some cereals, and a couple different finger foods.

His favorite way to play is sitting on the floor (on his own) and smacking his toys on the floor, or throwing toys off his exersaucer and onto our cats head.

My comedians newest fascination is with his own voice. Each morning I am greeted with an endless stream if screams and screeches between the most handsome smiles and giggles. Hubbs and I swear we've heard a couple words amongst his screeches, like "hi", "hey", and "mum". However I'm not sure he even knows what or how he did it.

Every single month I greet with sheer joy knowing it holds new things for our family and little Monster.

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Graveyard Transitions

I'm alive! I promise!

In an attempt at making the eventual transition of my return to work easier Hubbs has changed to graveyard shift.

Graveyard shift will be the best option for our working family because I plan on getting a day job. It is essential to me that one of us is Monster's primary care giver so that we see his infant milestones being reached. Not that we don't have many enthusiastic people lined up to relieve us of our parenting duties...

So far everything during the transition has been good, it's been fairly easy on everyone concerned. The only thing that's been taken away from me is my computer time (Computer is located in the bedroom and Hubbs routine is to sleep in the evening) for blog editing. Humph, small sacrifices.

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