Saturday, October 2, 2010

Considering Cloth Diapering!

During my pregnancy and when Monster was in early infancy my thoughts on cloth diapering were something along the lines of: You must be nuts.

I will admit I was not open minded to learning about them, and really thought they were too much extra work to even consider. That was until my dear friend Enyo decided to bombard (I say this in the best way possible!) with blogs about the sheer awesomeness of cloth diapers/diapering. She has admitted that she is somewhat obsessed!

Please visit her blog directly here
and become a fan on Facebook here

Lately I've been considering transitioning Monster to cloth diapers part-time. I don't have the extra money to purchase a whole bunch of different kinds of cloth diapers, especially if I'm not completely sold on whether I can handle the extra work and laundry. I was thinking I'd buy two cloth diapers and slowly build up my stock of diapers and inserts as I learn which brands I love.

The plan would be to eventually have a full stock of cloth diapers and inserts that I adore, be a cloth diapering pro and happy with becoming more green by the time my second child rolls around. That way with my second (and third..?) child can be a 95% cloth diaper child. I just can't deny how cost effective cloth diapering will be, next task: Getting Hubbs and the rest of my family as enthusiastic about learning how to use them!

1 comment:

  1. YAY! I <3 cloth diapers. Seriously, they're just plain fun. What kind of diaper will work best for you and Monster depends on a lot of things, like the size of his thights and what you just plain want to try. Check out, or go to their Facebook group. Just bombard Katie with what kind of diaper will be good for Monster's build, and she'll give you some suggestions. :)
