Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Oh My Crawling!

Just when I gave up on the idea of Monster starting to crawl....

Ok, I hadn't given up on it ever happening but I had given up on thinking he might hit that milestone earlier then average babies. I don't want to gloat but he's hit most of his milestones early or exactly on time... He is a genius. :)

Today Monster and I were diligently practicing his crawling by lying on the floor playing with his toys on our tummies. My evil mommy plan was to lie facing him with his toys just out of his reach. My plan failed because Monster didn't pay any attention to his toys, he was totally entranced by our pug pet LOLA.

That's when my plan changed. I decided to just put him on his hands and knees and see how'd he do. Well, all our practicing paid off because it worked!!

No, Monster didn't take his first crawling "steps" but he did balance on his hands and knees for a couple minutes! He balanced long enough for me to let go of him, run for the camera, and snap a few pictures of his glory!

Once he lost interest he pushed forward with his legs and ultimately fell onto his tummy again. It's his first step to independence, maybe crawling isn't that far off!

I better get serious about this baby proofing business!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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