Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A Teething Monster Invaded our Home!

A teething Monster is a miserable Monster!

It's funny, when I had a drooly 2 month old I was sure all his crankiness had to be teething. That theory was fine and dandy, until he actually started teething!

Teething makes an otherwise adorable, content baby an absolute wreck. Today was certainly this mommy's test of patience. I had a puffy red cheeked Monster who's only form of communication today was whine. Not cry, not happy infant blabble, but incessant whine.

The only thing that made him resemble his happy self was to sit on the floor between my legs playing with his toys. Oh, the relief for his gums? Taking gnawing breaks on my thumb knuckle. It was cute, he chewed like I was cob of corn.

Nope, not every single day with a 6 month old is sunshine and sunflowers but at least every single day has good, hilarious moments too. The worst part was hearing my mom telling me "Oh, this is nothing compared to what you were like!"

Thanks Mom! :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Aww mama! My Lo hasn't really started yet, but he's slowly starting the fussing. The drooling has been happening for at least a month, but it's become much more well....just more....Hang in there!

  2. my boys and granboys loved popsicles...nice cold on the gums gave some relief. They have natural fruit ones that make mommies,grammas and babies happy. :)
    And... a big fave was Large Dill Pickles. sounds weird, but true.
