Friday, September 17, 2010

Baby Food Grinder by Munchkin

Today whilst roaming around the city of Penticton we ventured into the mall. The main items we were looking for was Canucks memorabilia for TG to get autographed.

The mall itself is not impressive, all the stores in it we either have in out own town or in a town that's only a half an hour away. We walked through The Bay (a Canadian department store) and of course I had to check out the baby section.

I found something perfect that I didn't even know I was looking for! The Baby Food Grinder by Munchkin.

I plan on buying a Magic Bullet to make large batches of baby food for my freezer but the Baby Food Grinder is perfect for going out. Once Monster is able to eat more and more table foods the small, portable grinder will be easy to throw into my diaper bag.

It's important to me that Monster eats fresh nutritious meals, and I don't want to rely on jars of baby food for travel, meals at other peoples houses or restaurant purposes. No need for batteries or plug in, just shear mommy (or daddy) power. We tried it out tonight when we went to dinner. We brought a fresh banana and the grinder (and a baby spoon) and TADA! Fresh dinner for Monster too!

My big $12 purchase was a smart investment in my Monster's future and love of healthy fresh foods!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Glad it worked out for you! What we've done so far is brought along Norton's food. When we're at the in-laws, we warm it up in their microwave. When we're at a restaurant, we just warm it up before we go. I hadn't even considered buying a grinder. Hmm.

  2. That's so awesome! I usually have the baby jar food... That's it :/
