Friday, September 10, 2010

6 Month Check-Up

10 days ago Monster went for his 6 month vaccinations. Today, he had a regularly scheduled appointment with our family doctor to monitor his growth and development.

As always Monsters shots went well, he flirted with our nurse, squealed with delight whilst playing with his girlfriend and cried when the needle poked his little baby thigh. The routine if fairly straight forward, but this time we had to fill out a questionnaire regarding Monster's physical and social development. He scored well, and the majority of the time was spent discussing food and solids with our nurse.

Today's visit with the doctor wasn't very different. We weighed him (22lbs 8oz -- He actually lost an ounce since his shots) and measured him (29" Long) and discussed his diet and development. Both appointments we heard the term "Picture of Health" tossed around, because apparently being huge is a good thing when you're an infant (if only more weight was good for me too.. :P).

I'm happy with how my little Monster is progressing, now if only his growth would slow and level a little, so that he actually has the opportunity to enjoy his adorable infant fall wardrobe!


  1. Did you get in trouble for feeding Monster early? The nurse we had was a total B***** when she found out the DOCTOR told us to start feeding Haven solids early. She was all "What doctor said that? What clinic do they work for? I will have to make some calls?" I kid you not! Haven is big too :) Same thing, apparently it's good when you're a baby.

  2. No, thank goodness! Actually at Monster's 4 month visit I had a younger nurse who told me she started around 4 months with her baby too. She said, to make sure I take things slow to watch for allergies.. But she was very supportive.
