Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Grandma and Grandpa Photo Shoot Flop!

Monster and I visit my mom and dad at least once a week for supper. Hubbs is usually sleeping in the evening, so instead of making dinner for just Monster and I, I head over to moms! Last week I took some "Time with Grandma and Grandpa" shots. Here are some good ones!

This is my mom "teaching" Monster how to crawl! A skill he is working so hard at mastering!

Monster didn't want to cooperate for the photo shoot as well as we'd hoped. There are just far too many fun and interesting things to see when you're trying to crawl. Hence the no so impressed look on his face. I'd like to point out my hilarious pug-kid LOLA. This is a supreme action shot for her. Epic!

Monster is special to my dad not only because he is his only grandchild, but because he is the only boy in our family too! Both of Monster's grandpas have dreams of teaching him "big boy" activities like fishing and golfing!

The two happy grandparent with Monster! All and all the photo shoot wasn't fantastic... We didn't get any photos of Monster just sitting nice and smiling for the camera but it was fun to attempt!!

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