Monday, December 20, 2010

First Words?

I think we might have reached our next infant milestone! I know what you're thinking, "How can you "think" you met the next infant milestone? You either did or didn't?"...

Well, when it comes to recognizing an infants first words sometimes it's ridiculously hard! As a parent sometimes you have to really watch and listen for the signs. When I hear "mom mom mom" or "da-da-daddee" I have no doubt that Monster knows what he's saying and why. As for these new words, I'll break it down for you, and let you decide for yourself.

This morning Monster and I were playing on the floor after breakfast and Lola (my puggins) ran up to us and started sniffing around. Monster looked right at her and said "Dowt!", in shock I turned to him and said "Right! DOG!". Monster smirked his sly smirk and whispered "dowt" a couple more times towards Lola. I couldn't contain my glee! I can't be sure if that was his third real word or not but it still shows that he's developing more syllables and speech skills.

This fourth word I'm not sure if it's me being delusional because of my excitement over "dowt" or if I'm just hearing Monster now for the first time. We were walking around the house (I was holding his hands walking with him) and I was talking to him about walking when I heard him say "wawt". Are G and K sounds harder for infants to say when they're just learning?

I think it's time for this Mommy to get some reading material on infant and child speech development. Either way, words or baby jabbering I know it's something to look forward to in the very near future!

Updated on December 21st to add:
Ok, he definitely knows that "Dowt" means! He was saying it again this morning! I am SURE that he's saying Dog! :)

1 comment:

  1. Hehe... Our first "word" was "Memuin" combined with a point in the direction of the bird cage and then followed by giggles - Our parrot's name is Penguin and Muk Muk is in LOVE with him.
