Dear Readers,
Right this minute you are reading my 200th post. Whether you started following my Monster and I on our adventure right at the beginning or this is the first post you're reading I want to Thank you for your love and support on my journey into mommyland!
In this blog you'll find almost a day-to-day account of my life as a mom from the time Monster was about 3 months old onwards. I started this blog for myself, so that I could record small everyday things that happen to us as a family, and HUGE life changing events like Monster's First Christmas. I plan on printing my entries and fashioning a book of some sorts so that I can look back on this stage of my life and in all honesty cry. I'm a crier, so it's not hard to make me cry.
I also hope that my children will read my entries and see what it was like for Hubbs and I at the beginning. I can't see how they'd be even remotely interested until they're on thier way to making a family for themselves. A time so far into the future that it kind of scares me to even think about!
Anyways! Thank you form the bottom of my heart for those of you who read and contribute to this tiny piece of history for me and my tiny family.
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