Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Healthiest Babies - Mommy Group

Turns out the mommy group wasn't so intimidating. I'm not sure if it's the right one for Monster and I though.

The group I attended today was called "Healthiest Babies" and from what I understand, each week they have a "theme" discussion for about an hour, serve a healthy lunch to everyone and then it's free time to meet and chat with each other.

Today's theme was reading. The group had a guest speaker come in and talk about the benefits of reading to your children, and how to be a good "reading" role model. She also told us about various resources for borrowing books or buying them cheap.

I didn't learn anything new from attending the group today, but I did get to see how Monster reacts to and plays with other babies close to his age. There were three girls all Monsters age (6 months-ish) or a little older. I plunked him down on the floor and he immediately started tugging on a little girls shoe.

He was so happy to be around other babies so close to his age. He spent most of the time playing with the two little girls and squealing in sheer delight! I just can't believe how friendly and social his is.

I plan to try this group a couple more times before giving up, but today I was also given a calendar of every other mommy-baby group our community has to offer. My quest is not over!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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