Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Safety 1st Cosco Alpha Omega Elite Car Seat

Yes, ladies and gentlemen it was time for us to buy a new car seat, ALREADY.

Due to my Monster's monster-ism he will officially be too heavy for his carrier car seat in less then 4lbs from now. At his 4 month appointment 3 weeks ago he was 18lbs, his carrier will only accommodate him until he is 22lbs.

Hubbs and I picked out the Safety 1st Cosco Alpha Omega Elite Car Seat from our local box store. After reading some online reviews and feature lists, I thought it was the most bang for our buck without having to travel far to pick it up. After picking it out three weeks ago, we waited to purchase it for a few reasons. 1. We didn't need it right that second, 2. We didn't have the money to spend on something we didn't absolutely need, and might not need for a month or two.

Thank goodness we waited! I picked up our two local papers off our porch to look at the flyers for baby sales. I really only ever look for diaper or formula sales, unless something else catches me eye. What do I see? The car seat on sale $60 off, and the sale ended tomorrow!

I love love love deals! We (when I say "we" I mean Darryl) set it up as soon as we got him. So far, I love the way it looks. It's so sleek, stylish and just plain comfy looking!

More product review to come!

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